How to Fill Your Soul
We are working. We are working out. We are eating healthy. We are being good people. We are hydrating. But are we taking care of our soul?
Nothing feels gratifying when your soul is drained. But when you take time to nourish it and fill it up, you thrive. It’s as simple as pausing to ask yourself, “What does my soul need right now?” and then giving yourself that.
I polled you guys and you gave me a phenomenal list of what fills your soul so I wanted to share. Save this list and let’s make sure we all do some of these this week.
Be by the ocean
Good music
A good cry
Remembering why I’m here
Social connection
Beach walks
Reading by the ocean
Swimming in natural waters
Self care at home
Making a fresh list of to-do’s
Social media detox day
Getting an iced matcha and going on a walk to look at flowers
Going on a hike
Taking myself on a lunch/dinner date
Meditation with the Insight Timer
Journaling out thoughts and feelings, reflecting and then letting go
Quiet time outside