Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

How to Fill Your Soul

We are working. We are working out. We are eating healthy. We are being good people. We are hydrating. But are we taking care of our soul?

Nothing feels gratifying when your soul is drained. But when you take time to nourish it and fill it up, you thrive. It’s as simple as pausing to ask yourself, “What does my soul need right now?” and then giving yourself that.

I polled you guys and you gave me a phenomenal list of what fills your soul so I wanted to share. Save this list and let’s make sure we all do some of these this week.

  • Spirituality

  • Travel

  • Be by the ocean

  • Good music

  • Prayer

  • A good cry

  • Remembering why I’m here

  • Social connection

  • Beach walks

  • Reading by the ocean

  • Swimming in natural waters

  • Yoga

  • Self care at home

  • Making a fresh list of to-do’s

  • Social media detox day

  • Getting an iced matcha and going on a walk to look at flowers

  • Going on a hike

  • Taking myself on a lunch/dinner date

  • Naure

  • Solitutde

  • Journal

  • Meditation with the Insight Timer

  • Journaling out thoughts and feelings, reflecting and then letting go


  • Quiet time outside

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

At Home Spa Day: Body Scrub

This is so simple and satisfying. Do this once a week (Sunday is my fav) and/or before self tanning for super soft, youthful hydrated skin.

  • 1 full cup of white cane sugar

  • 1/4 cup high quality olive oil or any other organic carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil

  • 5 drops of essential oil (lemon, lavender, frankincense, bergamot, eucalyptus are some of my favs)

While in the shower (but before turning on the water), apply to dry skin and gently rub the body scrub in gentle, circular motions. If you have sensitive skin, do this gently since this scrub is abrasive. Leave it on as long as you can when you shower so the oils soak in. After the shower, pat dry and and apply some body oil or natural lotion.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Triggered? Let’s move through it with these 9 reflection questions.

We all get triggered! Whether it’s by people or situations, it happens across all areas of our lives and it can happen quite often. Instead of bottling it up inside or building up resentment, I created a series of questions that allows you to express yourself and get it out but leaves you coming out the other side with a neutral emotional charge and a completely healthy, different, more positive perspective. Try them out and let me know what you think!

First are the questions, then you’ll see an example of how to use them. i highly suggest copying the questions into a note on your phone and filling them out in there or through writing whenever you need! Allow yourself to get ALL the feelings and thoughts out - it helps tremendously and gets you back into your power.


  1. I am triggered when…

  2. I feel…

  3. I feel that way bc I’m making the trigger mean…

  4. Is that meaning absolutely true ? 

  5. Is it the meaning I want? 

  6. Is there another way of looking it? 

  7. What’s a more rational, positive way to see this? 

  8. What do you want to be true?

  9. What do you need and want to hear/feel/know? 


  1. I am triggered when… he said XYZ.

  2. I feel… annoyed, offended, frustrated!

  3. I feel that way bc I’m making the trigger mean… that he’s selfish and cares more about himself than he does me. It’s like I am less than and my feelings don’t matter as much.

  4. Is that meaning absolutely true? Probably not :(

  5. Is it the meaning I want? Definitely not.

  6. Is there another way of looking it? Probably. There always is.

  7. What’s a more rational, positive way to see this? That he cares and didn’t realized I felt that way. I highly doubt he would ever do that on purpose. Maybe it’s just a communication issue. I can share how I feel more clearly.

  8. What do you want to be true? What I wrote above!

  9. What do you need and want to hear/feel/know? I am important. I am loved. I trust. And Gods got ME. 

After you’re done, speak out your answer to question 9 as if it’s a mantra and give yourself the exact words you need.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Breakfast Hacks + the Best Chia Pudding Recipe

I like to batch make this every Sunday so I have something healthy I can easily grab in the mornings. It’s such a simple recipe and the best part is adding toppings. Influenced by Glucose Goddess, as I love her guidelines for eating that she explains here! Eating protein, healthy fats, fiber and making sure you don’t spike your blood sugar with something super sweet is key to making you feel great and satiated.

  • 1 can of organic low fat coconut milk (I do low fat bc the full fat is too thick for this recipe)

  • 1/3 cup organic chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp organic hemp seeds

  • dash of vanilla extract

  • pinch of Maldon sea salt

  • dash of organic maple syrup

  • toppings: organic blueberries, organic blackberries, organic strawberries, organic almond butter *(make sure to use some sort of nut butter to add healthy fat), and/or any healthy organic nuts you love

Mix all ingredients except for the toppings. Taste and adjust to your liking. Let sit for an hour to overnight. Add toppings and enjoy!

Note: I love to use this container because it stacks nicely and keeps it fresh.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Resources for Love and Relationships!

There is a world of amazing information out there on love and relationships. Here are some of the master teachers, inspiring videos, and amazing resources I loved and used throughout my love journey! Enjoy :)


  • A Return to Love - Marianne Williamson

  • Getting the Love You Want- Harville Hendrix, Ph. D.

  • Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman

  • Women Are From Mars, Men Are From Venus - John Gray, Ph. D.

  • Soulmate Secret - Arielle Ford

  • Thich Nhat Hanh - “How to Love”; “True Love”


Bible App Plans

  • Love is the Answer, #love, Everlasting Love, Lovestruck, Single Ready to Mingle, Dating in the Modern Age, Love and Marriage)

Videos / YouTube’s

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Classic Journal Prompts

Here are some classic, tried and true journal prompts for anyone to use. Whether you’re brand new to it or you’ve been doing it for years, these are ones to come back to time and time again.

To manifest:

- What do I want?

- What does it feel like?

- Describe your ideal day.

To let go:

- What do I need to let go of?

- What am I ready to release?

- Who do I need to forgive?

To build confidence / self love

- What do I love about myself? List as many as possible.

- What makes me a great partner/person/employee?

- What are my strengths and best qualities?

- What am i proud of myself for?

- What have I overcome?

To feel gratitude:

- What am I grateful for and why am I grateful for it?

- What do I love about my life?

- What is something I have now that I once wanted?

- What are the most simple things I have that I can take for granted but are so important that I have?

To turn around a situation:

- What am I learning from this?

- What are the things I like / that are good about this?

- How is this service me?

To get guidance:

- Pause. Turn within. Ask the question or topic you need guidance in. Close your eyes, put your hand on your heart, take some breaths. Then, write.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

4 Mood Boosters

I wanted to share 4 little hacks to boosting you’re mood that are REALLY doing it for me lately. The greens powder is such a simple daily way to fuel your cells with energy-packed nutrients. The “Focus” coffee has mushrooms and adaptogens that sharpen the mind. The playlist works for me personally (although playlists are the most personal thing in the world, so take it or leave it lol) but the message is to create a playlist of songs that boost YOU because music is transformational to your energy and mood - so utilize it! Last, this natural pre-workout has been giving me the motivation I need to get my a** moving when I don’t feel in the mood, so wanted to share! Hope you love them! Let me know how it all goes :)

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Abundance + Wealth Mindset Resources

Most of us come to the table with fear, negativity and/or unhealthy mindsets around money, wealth and abundance, but the good news is, this can be changed! Most of the time, these thoughts aren’t ours - they’re passed down to us from parents or family or inherited from the world around us. As we seek to raise our consciousness and choose higher ways of living and thinking, working on our wealth mindset becomes key. To change how we think, we have to uproot the deep-seeded negative beliefs, look at them neutrally and make a conscious decision to replace them. Then, just like learning a new language, we have to repetitively fill our minds with the new thoughts and stories that serve us and expand us. Below are some of my favorite teachers, experts, books and resources to help you on your journey! Remember, give yourself grace and PLENTY of patience as you begin in explore the journey of creating a beautiful new way of thinking and seeing the world.


Bible app - under “Plans” you can search for any topic - money, abundance, etc - and get daily lessons and verses that apply

The Secret to Money app - based off the book “The Secret”


Your Spiritual Gold Mind by V. John Alexandrov

Affirmations of Wealth: 101 Secrets of Daily Success by V. John Alexandrov

Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi

You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman

Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks

Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

*These books are more geared towards manifestation in general, but are still important to this path! Highly recommend!

Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer

It’s All In Your Head by Russ

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn

Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


  • Abraham / Esther Hicks

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Michael Beckwith

  • Neville Goddard

  • Florence Scovel Shinn

  • Wayne Dyer

  • Napoleon Hill

PLAYLIST: money mindset 🎶

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Inner + Outer Beauty Challenge

This is a 30 day plan I created as I was gearing up for my wedding on 11.11.22. that you can use any time you feel like you need to focus and pour into your self care. The focus of this is to create inner and outer beauty and it approaches it through a 360 lens, tending to the mind, body and soul. True beauty comes from within, it includes how you feel about yourself and the energy you put out. When you feel beautiful inside, you radiate.

Below you’ll find a PDF guide to the 30 day plan and an audio from me to walk you through it. Enjoy this and keep me posted on your progress. Can’t wait to see you GLOW.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Wanna help the world? Launch a business? Make moves?

It all begins with a dream. You’re meant for this.

Wanna help the world? Launch a business? Get out of the work you do that sucks your soul? Make crazy good money? Be free? And do what your SOUL is literally here to do?

Listen to this quick voice note from me :)

LIGHTWORK, the group program, is currently closed.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Changing Careers + Using Manifestation to Help

Soulcation lessons + career manifesting

I’m thinking a lot about the topic of business and career right now and I just feel there are too many amazing people doing work they hate or have outgrown. I know how scary and intimidating it can be to think about doing something new. But I can tell you from personal experience, the pursuit of finding the thing you are TRULY meant to do that brings you happiness and fulfillment is worth the risk. Pivoting or pursuing something new will always bring up fears. But fears just mean you’re expanding. They wouldn’t be present if you were just staying the same. In this note I share about the fears I had for Soulcation.

You’ll also hear about:

  • Not letting career fears get in the way

  • Soulcation recap and my lessons

  • Turning your passion into $ is a real thing

  • Our gifts are VERY subtle so it makes it hard to recognize

  • Giving up weird “settle” rules in career and beyond

  • Reflection on: where in life are we settling? where can we start believing we can have everything we desire? what areas can we expand in?

Do you have any questions for me? Anything you want guidance on? Anything you want me to talk more about? Want more of this format or do you prefer reading? LMK :)

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

Let Other’s Wins Inspire You. Esp in love.

Manifesting Love is for everyone

When you can celebrate someone else who has the things you desire, THAT is when you are in your power. The highest thought to select, the best belief you can create is “When I see someone having something I desire, the Universe is showing me what’s possible for me too.” Let other’s wins inspire you and you’re on your way to manifesting it too.

Here’s a clip from a client celebrating with me that she found love. It’s filled with such enthusiasm and authenticity, I literally FELT it. So, with her permission, I wanted to share it for anyone out there also manifesting love. It’s so beneficial to get in the energy of what you desire, and I hope this clip lets you tap into that energy too.

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Laina Caltagirone Laina Caltagirone

My Fav Manifestation and Law of Attraction Resources

My fav manifestation and law of attraction resources!

It’s no secret I’m addicted to learning and teaching manifestation.

Over the years I’ve collected some AMAZING resources - from books to teachers to podcasts - and I wanted to share them with you too.

DIVE in. Google the teachers, read about them, watch their videos on YouTube. Check out the books (each one is linked below), see what and who you feel drawn to. You’ll find the topics range from mindset, to spirituality, to money, to love.

You can never learn too much about this and the work is never done!

Fall in love with the process of becoming the best most happy, healthy, wealthy, lit up version of you, and you will find deep fulfillment. Enjoy every minute.

Love you and sending you the best manifesting vibes!


The Game of Life and How to Play It

Ask and It Is Given

Becoming Supernatural

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Affirmations of Wealth

Think and Grow Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

Power of Intention

The Secret

It’s All In Your Head

The Soulmate Secret

The Power of Now

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


  • Abraham / Esther Hicks

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Michael Beckwith

  • Neville Goddard

  • Florence Scovel Shinn

  • Wayne Dyer

  • Napoleon Hill

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