Triggered? Let’s move through it with these 9 reflection questions.
We all get triggered! Whether it’s by people or situations, it happens across all areas of our lives and it can happen quite often. Instead of bottling it up inside or building up resentment, I created a series of questions that allows you to express yourself and get it out but leaves you coming out the other side with a neutral emotional charge and a completely healthy, different, more positive perspective. Try them out and let me know what you think!
First are the questions, then you’ll see an example of how to use them. i highly suggest copying the questions into a note on your phone and filling them out in there or through writing whenever you need! Allow yourself to get ALL the feelings and thoughts out - it helps tremendously and gets you back into your power.
I am triggered when…
I feel…
I feel that way bc I’m making the trigger mean…
Is that meaning absolutely true ?
Is it the meaning I want?
Is there another way of looking it?
What’s a more rational, positive way to see this?
What do you want to be true?
What do you need and want to hear/feel/know?
I am triggered when… he said XYZ.
I feel… annoyed, offended, frustrated!
I feel that way bc I’m making the trigger mean… that he’s selfish and cares more about himself than he does me. It’s like I am less than and my feelings don’t matter as much.
Is that meaning absolutely true? Probably not :(
Is it the meaning I want? Definitely not.
Is there another way of looking it? Probably. There always is.
What’s a more rational, positive way to see this? That he cares and didn’t realized I felt that way. I highly doubt he would ever do that on purpose. Maybe it’s just a communication issue. I can share how I feel more clearly.
What do you want to be true? What I wrote above!
What do you need and want to hear/feel/know? I am important. I am loved. I trust. And Gods got ME.
After you’re done, speak out your answer to question 9 as if it’s a mantra and give yourself the exact words you need.